Breeding Technique

Breeding Technique

1. Clay Pot
We use the clay pot because leech prefer to stay underneath of the pot because it cold and makes as its habitate.

2. Orchid Net
This is used if the leech tank is actually positioned outside of the house to prevent direct sunlight. Remember, leech might die if expose direct sunlight. Other than that leech is aggressive in laying eggs in dark and cold environment.

3. Water Lily
This plants are typically provides location for the leech to lay its eggs. Typically the eggs in cocoon will be attached at the root. In some cases the root also provide supplemental food. Other than rotten wood also can be put in the tank where organism will start to develop.

4. PVC Pipe
Basically is used as drain pipe so that water can be drained incase water is contaminated or having strong odour. Normally water is not required to be changed for the whole process of leech breeding except topping up as and when required. When ever draining, slot in the sponge in the piping to prevent from any eggs from leaving the tank.

5. Water quality
Leech requires water that is clean and no acis . The best PH is above 5.5 . Typically is rain water or treated tap water can be used for leech breeding. Try not use river water as it might contain fish egg which later on can harm the leech and its eggs

6. Soil
To create a murky environment, please use soil which is put into a plastic bag which will helps leech to breed faster. Also add some booster into the plastic together with soil.

7. Feeding
Can be done using eel and catfish. Booster works as supplement. This feeding process is basically can be extended with usage of booster. Booster typically used to a)To substitute eel and catfish b)To control water temperature c)Easiest and efficient techique in leech farming d)Suitable for faming in Polytank, Canvas and concrete pond.